Program keratifitas mahasiswa gagasan tertulis atau dikenal dengan PKM GT sejatinya merupakan suatu program kepenulisan artikel ilmiah yang didasarkan pada ide kelompok-kelompok mahasiswa. Gagasan ini dapat dimuali dari isu aktual yang ada di masyarakat dan memerlukan solusi atau sitem yang berjangka panjang untuk diselesaikan. Oleh karena itu hasil berfikir yang cerdas dan implementatif sejatinya sangat-sangat perlu dalam pembuatan PKM Gagasan Tertulis, nah, sebagai bahan referensi mimin punya contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis, silahkan di download Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis, semoga bermanfaat. (baca: ) Jangan lupa, setelah dibaca Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis tak ada kata bosannya untuk mengingatkan kepada para pembaca semuanya untuk mau mengeshare keteman lainya agar mereka juga tahu tentang adanya Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis, siapa tau bisa jadi amalan ibadah takala para pembaca mau share Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis. Singkatnya berikut inilah ada beberapa Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis semoga saja bisa menjadi bahan pertama bagi kalian agar bisa membuat proposal PKM Gagasan Tertulis melalui Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis berikut ini. Contoh Proposal PKM Gagasan Tertulis, klik atau bahkan prihal adanya beberapa Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis ada juga Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis Contoh PKM Gagasan Tertulis.
Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia Kimia hese Rationale: Welcome to “Finding Your Focus: The Writing Process.” This presentation is designed to introduce your students to the steps that constitute the writing process, including strategies for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and proofreading. The fifteen slides presented here are designed to aid the facilitator in an interactive presentation of the elements of the writing process. This presentation is ideal for the beginning of a composition course and the assignment of a writing project. This presentation may be supplemented by OWL handouts, including “Starting to Write” ( “Planning (Invention)” ( “Developing an Outline” ( and “Higher Order Concerns and Later Order Concerns (HOCs and LOCs)” ( Directions: Each slide is activated by a single mouse click, unless otherwise noted in bold at the bottom of each notes page.
Writer and Designer: Jennifer Liethen Kunka Contributors: Muriel Harris, Karen Bishop, Bryan Kopp, Matthew Mooney, David Neyhart, and Andrew Kunka Developed with resources courtesy of the Purdue University Writing Lab Grant funding courtesy of the Multimedia Instructional Development Center at Purdue University © Copyright Purdue University, 2000. Lieur Kimia A. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Workshop Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia Jadwal Kegiatan Kamis 03 Agustus 2006 Waktu Materi Keterangan 08.00 s.d 08.20 Pengantar Kegiatan Dr. Agus Setiabudi 08.20 s.d 09.20 Kaidah Bahasa dalam Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Drs. Nurul Hana, M.Pd 09.20 s.d 09.40 Istirahat 09.40 s.d 10.40 Format dan Gaya penulisan karya ilmiah bidang pendidikan Kimia Ruang A Dr.Asep Kadarohman, M.Si Format dan Gaya penulisan karya ilmiah bidang Kimia Ruang B Dr. Agus Setiabudi, Rationale: Welcome to “Finding Your Focus: The Writing Process.” This presentation is designed to introduce your students to the steps that constitute the writing process, including strategies for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and proofreading.
The fifteen slides presented here are designed to aid the facilitator in an interactive presentation of the elements of the writing process. This presentation is ideal for the beginning of a composition course and the assignment of a writing project.
This presentation may be supplemented by OWL handouts, including “Starting to Write” ( “Planning (Invention)” ( “Developing an Outline” ( and “Higher Order Concerns and Later Order Concerns (HOCs and LOCs)” ( Directions: Each slide is activated by a single mouse click, unless otherwise noted in bold at the bottom of each notes page. Writer and Designer: Jennifer Liethen Kunka Contributors: Muriel Harris, Karen Bishop, Bryan Kopp, Matthew Mooney, David Neyhart, and Andrew Kunka Developed with resources courtesy of the Purdue University Writing Lab Grant funding courtesy of the Multimedia Instructional Development Center at Purdue University © Copyright Purdue University, 2000. 03 s.d 10 Agustus 2006 Take home assigment: Pembuatan draft karya tulis (satu Bab Skripsi yang di anggap paling siap) A. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Workshop Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia 10 Agustus 2005 Waktu Materi Keterangan 08.00 s.d 10.00 Presentasi dan diskusi draft Kelas A: Drs. Harry Firman, M.Pd Kelas B: Dr.
Agus Setiabudi Rationale: Welcome to “Finding Your Focus: The Writing Process.” This presentation is designed to introduce your students to the steps that constitute the writing process, including strategies for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and proofreading. The fifteen slides presented here are designed to aid the facilitator in an interactive presentation of the elements of the writing process. This presentation is ideal for the beginning of a composition course and the assignment of a writing project. This presentation may be supplemented by OWL handouts, including “Starting to Write” ( “Planning (Invention)” ( “Developing an Outline” ( and “Higher Order Concerns and Later Order Concerns (HOCs and LOCs)” ( Directions: Each slide is activated by a single mouse click, unless otherwise noted in bold at the bottom of each notes page. Writer and Designer: Jennifer Liethen Kunka Contributors: Muriel Harris, Karen Bishop, Bryan Kopp, Matthew Mooney, David Neyhart, and Andrew Kunka Developed with resources courtesy of the Purdue University Writing Lab Grant funding courtesy of the Multimedia Instructional Development Center at Purdue University © Copyright Purdue University, 2000. Ketentuan Peserta Berkomitmen untuk mengikuti seluruh kegiatan yang dijadwalkan Wajib membaca bahan workshop sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan A.
Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Format dan Gaya Penulisan Laporan dan Artikel Penelitian Bidang Kimia Rationale: Welcome to “Finding Your Focus: The Writing Process.” This presentation is designed to introduce your students to the steps that constitute the writing process, including strategies for brainstorming, drafting, revising, and proofreading. The fifteen slides presented here are designed to aid the facilitator in an interactive presentation of the elements of the writing process. This presentation is ideal for the beginning of a composition course and the assignment of a writing project. This presentation may be supplemented by OWL handouts, including “Starting to Write” ( “Planning (Invention)” ( “Developing an Outline” ( and “Higher Order Concerns and Later Order Concerns (HOCs and LOCs)” ( Directions: Each slide is activated by a single mouse click, unless otherwise noted in bold at the bottom of each notes page. Writer and Designer: Jennifer Liethen Kunka Contributors: Muriel Harris, Karen Bishop, Bryan Kopp, Matthew Mooney, David Neyhart, and Andrew Kunka Developed with resources courtesy of the Purdue University Writing Lab Grant funding courtesy of the Multimedia Instructional Development Center at Purdue University © Copyright Purdue University, 2000. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Publikasi Hasil Penelitian Rationale: When students spend time thinking about the writing process, they will be able to plan their writing strategies more effectively.
Activity: The facilitator may ask students about their own writing processes and invite them to share with the group. While students may follow a “process” for writing, they may not be able to identify all of the steps they go through to write a paper. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Publikasi Hasil Penelitian Publications Journal Papers (published) A.
Setiabudi, N.K. Makkee, and J. Moulijn, On the physical contact of soot and molten catalyst, Microscope study of soot-Cs2SO4.V2O5 system, Applied Catalysis B, 60 (2005) A. Setiabudi, J. Makkee, and J. Moulijn, CeO2 catalysed NOx-assisted soot oxidation, the role of surface species, Applied Catalysis B; Environment 51 (2004) 9-19 A. Setiabudi, G, Mul, M.
Makkee and J. Moulijn, The role of NO2 and O2 in the accelerated diesel soot combustion, Applied Catalysis B; Environment, 50 (2004) A.
Setiabudi, M. Makkee and J. Moulijn, An optimal usage of NOx in a combined Pt/ceramic foam and wall-flow monolith for an effective NOx-assisted soot oxidation, Topics in Catalysis, 30/31 (2004) A.
Setiabudi, M. Makkee and J. Moulijn, An Optimal usage of NOx-assisted abatement of diesel soot in an advanced catalytic filter design, Applied Catalysis B: Environment 42, 2003, 35-45 A. Setiabudi, M. Makkee and J.
Moulijn, An optimal usage of NOx in a combined Pt/ceramic foam and wall-flow monolith for an effective NOx-assisted soot oxidation, Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) paper, A. Setiabudi, B.A.A.L van Setten, M.
Makkee, and J.A.Moulijn, in: The Influence of NOx on soot oxidation rate; Pt vs Molten salt, Applied Catalysis B: Environment, 2002, 35, Book (Contributor Author) Suresh T. Makkee, and A.
Setiabudi, Ceramic Catalysts, Support and Filters for Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment, in Structured Catalyst and Reactors: 2nd Ed and Expanded, edited by A. Cybulski and J. A Moulijn, CRC, 2006. Pokemon glazed how to go new island. Rationale: When students spend time thinking about the writing process, they will be able to plan their writing strategies more effectively.
Activity: The facilitator may ask students about their own writing processes and invite them to share with the group. While students may follow a “process” for writing, they may not be able to identify all of the steps they go through to write a paper. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Publikasi Hasil Penelitian Conferences A.
Setiabudi, Ois Pandi, Nahadi, Bambang Soegijono, dan Achmad Hanafi S, Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Material Konduktor Ionik Komponen Sensor Gas NOx, Seminar Nasional Keramik IV, Bandung, 3 Oktober 2005 A. Setiabudi, Achmad Hanafi S, Wuryaningsih S.R., Non-noble metal catalyst for the oxidation diesel particulate, First Symposium of Indonesian Catalyst Society, Seminar Nasional Fundamental dan Aplikasi Teknik Kimia, Poster presentation, Jakarta, Indonesian Institute of Science A. Setiabudi, Achmad Hanafi S, Wuryaningsih S.R., Blasius H, Non-noble metal catalyst for the oxidation diesel particulate, National Seminar on Fundamental dan Aplication of Chemical Engineering, oral presentation, ITS Surabaya, 6,7 Desember 2004 A. Setiabudi, M. Makkee.), and J. Moulijn, 6th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution, Poster presentation, October, Brussel Belgium.) presenter A. Setiabudi, M.
Makkee and J. Moulijn, SAE World Congress 2003, March 2003, Detroit, USA A. Setiabudi, M.
Makkee and J. Moulijn, Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, Noordwijkhouter, The Netherlands A. Setiabudi, M. Makkee and J. Moulijn, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Ocktober 2001, Bandung Indonesia Rationale: When students spend time thinking about the writing process, they will be able to plan their writing strategies more effectively. Activity: The facilitator may ask students about their own writing processes and invite them to share with the group.
While students may follow a “process” for writing, they may not be able to identify all of the steps they go through to write a paper. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Publikasi Hasil Penelitian Menuntaskan kegiatan penelitian baik berupa eksperimen laboratorium atau modeling Bukti telah melakukan kegiatan penelitian Rujukan untuk mengukur kualitas penelitian Rationale: When students spend time thinking about the writing process, they will be able to plan their writing strategies more effectively. Activity: The facilitator may ask students about their own writing processes and invite them to share with the group. While students may follow a “process” for writing, they may not be able to identify all of the steps they go through to write a paper. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Jenis Publikasi Hasil Penelitian Laporan Penelitian: Skripsi, Thesis, dan Desertasi, Laporan Hasil Penelitian Artikel Hasil Penelitian Makalah Seminar A.
Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Format dan Gaya Publikasi Ilmiah Format Publikasi Ilmiah Rationale: Though students engage in a writing process, they may not be conscious of the steps it entails. Some students who have trouble organizing their thoughts struggle because they do not follow a consistent writing process or they skip steps within the process. This slide presents some important reasons to identify the steps in the writing process. By thinking about the writing process, students may be able to make the process more effective and efficient for themselves. Activity: The facilitator may choose to invite participation by asking students why they need a writing process. Each reason is activated with a mouse click.
Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Penulisan Judul Fungsi: Menarik pembaca Memberikan gambaran tentang isi laporan/artikel penelitian Memudahkan pengelompokan ke dalam data base Tips menulis judul: Singkat (10-15 kata) tetapi tetap informatif dan memenuhi kaidah gramatikal Sertakan kata-kata yang merupakan kata kunci penelitian Hindari (sedapat mungkin) jargon, simbol, rumus dan singkatan Usahakan untuk tidak menyebutkan nama/merk perusahaan, zat kimia, obat, dan instrumen Dibuat setelah naskah selesai ditullis Rationale: This slide previews the six steps of the writing process. Each element forms a part of a successful writing experience.
Key Concept: The facilitator may explain that the writing process is not necessarily sequential-a linear path from invention to proofreading. Writers may generate a topic, collect some information, organize their notes, go back and collect more information, invent subtopics for their work, go back to organization, etc.
The writing process is recursive-it often requires going back and forth between steps to create the strongest work possible. Knowing these steps and strategies, however, can be a great help to writers who struggle with their work. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Penulisan Judul A. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Judul Kritik Peningkatan oksigen pada minyak terpentin menggunakan oksigen, kalium permanganat dan Asam perasetat Sintesis Adsorben Histidin-bentonit dan Uji Adsorpsinya terhadap Pestisida Dalam Air minum Pemanfaatan Limbah Katalis Proses Pengolahan Minyak Bumi (Studi Pendahuluan Recovery logam Aktif dan Uji Aktivitas Hasil Regenerasi) Rationale: This slide previews the six steps of the writing process. Each element forms a part of a successful writing experience. Key Concept: The facilitator may explain that the writing process is not necessarily sequential-a linear path from invention to proofreading.
Writers may generate a topic, collect some information, organize their notes, go back and collect more information, invent subtopics for their work, go back to organization, etc. The writing process is recursive-it often requires going back and forth between steps to create the strongest work possible. Knowing these steps and strategies, however, can be a great help to writers who struggle with their work. Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Pengarang dan Afiliasi Kode etik: menuliskan identitas semua orang yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan penelitian. Walaupun hanya satu orang saja yang menuliskan naskah Afiliasi adalah institusi atau beberapa institusi tempat pekerjaan penelitian dilakukan atau tempat. Jika terdapat beberapa pengarang dari berbagai institusi gunakan pengkodean dengan superscript atau asterik (lihat contoh).
Salah seorang dari penulis naskah harus menjadi ‘correspondimg author’ untuk berkorepondensi. Key Concept: The first step in the writing process is invention-developing a topic. Students often make the mistake of latching onto the first idea that comes their way. However, by doing some invention exercises, students can give themselves some options for their writing assignments and allow themselves to consider the ideas that are the most manageable, appropriate to the assignment, and, above all, interesting to the writer. If the writer is bored with the topic, it will show through in the final product.
Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Pengarang dan Afiliasi Petunjuk dalam menuliskan nama dan afiliasi Beberapa jurnal internasional mansyaratkan pengarang menulis nama depan, inisial (kalau ada) dan nama belakang. Misalnya John R Smith, Barry A.A.L.
Van Setten, Tamara Blezinski, Agus Setiabudi. Jangan menuliskan gelar, agama dan titel profesional lainnya Key Concept: The first step in the writing process is invention-developing a topic. Students often make the mistake of latching onto the first idea that comes their way. However, by doing some invention exercises, students can give themselves some options for their writing assignments and allow themselves to consider the ideas that are the most manageable, appropriate to the assignment, and, above all, interesting to the writer. If the writer is bored with the topic, it will show through in the final product.
Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Pengarang dan Afiliasi Kotak 1 Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Material Konduktor Ionik Komponen Sensor Gas Nox Agus Setiabudi1, Nahadi1, Ois Pandi1, Bambang Soegijono2, dan Achmad Hanafi S2 1Program Studi Kimia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154 Tlp./Fax: 2Program Pasca Sarjana Ilmu Material FMIPA-Universitas Indonesia Jl. Salemba Raya No.
4, Jakarta 10430 Key Concept: The first step in the writing process is invention-developing a topic. Students often make the mistake of latching onto the first idea that comes their way. However, by doing some invention exercises, students can give themselves some options for their writing assignments and allow themselves to consider the ideas that are the most manageable, appropriate to the assignment, and, above all, interesting to the writer. If the writer is bored with the topic, it will show through in the final product.
Setiabudi, Prodi Kimia UPI Abstrak Fungsi Memudahkan pembaca menangkap ‘hakekat’ dan ruang lingkup laporan atau artikel penelitian. Membantu editor untuk mengidentifikasi fitur dan kata kuncinya. Ditulis setelah isi laporan atau artikel penelitian telah selesai dibuat. Key Concept: Brainstorming is a method for coming up with ideas for a project. The key to brainstorming is to write down everything that pops into your head-the idea you are the least certain about may be the one you use for your paper!
Brainstorming is a way writers can provide themselves with topic options. One brainstorming technique is called listing. This strategy involves a simple list of every idea that pops into the writer’s mind.
From this list, writers might choose to narrow down their topics or branch into a related topic. The important thing is that all of these ideas are down on paper so they won’t be forgotten and potentially useful ideas are not lost in the process. Activity: To involve students, the facilitator might ask students the definitions of “brainstorming” and “listing.” Ask students about the writing situations in which they have found listing to be a useful technique.
These experiences may inspire other students to give it a try. Click the mouse after “Listing:” to reveal the brainstormed list.
Contoh Proposal Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Gagasan Tertulis
Bidang PKM 1. PKM P (Penelitian) 2. PKM K (Kewirausahaan) 3. PKM M (Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat) 4. PKM T (Teknologi) 5. PKM KC (Karsa Cipta).(Upload 10 Oktober 2015 akan didanai 2016) 1.
PKM AI (Artikel Ilmiah) 2. PKM GT (Gagasan Tertulis) 1. Tentukan Jenis PKM Pilihlah jenis PKM yang sekiranya sesuai dengan kemampuan anda dan topik yang sudah rekan-rekan buat. Penentuan yang pas untuk topik dan jenis pkm sangat berpengaruh. Jadi kalau isi topik nya tentang Penelitian, maka daftarkanlah PKM nya kedalam kategori PKM Penelitian.
Tentukan Ide PKM Carilah ide PKM dari PKM yang sudah lolos sebelumnya dan mengembangkannya. Ide PKM tidak unik juga tak apa, yang terpenting dari ide PKM adalah diterimanya dan dibutuhkannya pelaksanaan dari ide tersebut oleh masyarakat di waktu yang sama.
Sehingga ada manfaat untuk masyarakat dari pelakasaan tersebut. Tentukan Judul PKM Judul PKM yang rekan-rekan pilih setidaknya mengandung keunikan, singkatan unik, dan relevansi dengan isi Proposal PKM. Misal: BANDENG PRESTO (Bahan Ajar Dengan Presentasi Video dan Animasi Tutorial. Judul yang unik akan membuat juri ingin membaca lagi isi dari PKM, karena rata-rata seorang juri menilai dari judul nya dulu. Ikuti Panduan PKM Ikutilah rule yang sudah ditetapkan oleh panitia PKM.
Baca buku pedoman pkm yang disediakan oleh dikti, penuhi seluruh persyaratannya. Karena satu saja tidak terpenuhi maka harapan lolos menjadi berkurang. Misal surat pernyataan dari dosen pembimbing, surat pernyataan ketua, surat pernyataan mitra, dan aturan-aturan lainnya. Semua aturan harus dipenuhi agar lolos dan didanai dikti. Langkah-langkah Lolos PKM 1.Tentukan Jenis PKM 2.Tentukan Ide PKM 3.Tentukan Judul PKM 4.Ikuti Paduan/rule PKM 5.Cari Dosen Pembimbing 6.Minta Contoh PKM yang Lolos 7.Cari Pengetahuan Tentang Pimnas 8.Tim Yang Solid 9.Kerja keras dan Tidak Mudah Menyerah 10. Tim Campuran Senior dan Junior Program KREATIVITAS MAHASISWA ( P K M ) POLITEKNIK NEGERI INDRAMAYU 2015 5. Cari Dosen Pembimbing Dosen pembimbing itu penting,karena yang membenahi hasil kerja rekan-rekan ketika salah adalah dosen pembimbing.
Carilah dosen pembimbing yang sudah berpengalaman dan berprestasi, misalnya beliau juga pernah ikut PKM khusus dosen dan ternyata lolos. Carilah dosen pembimbing yang mementingkan kepentingan mahasiswanya, karena beliau akan berfikir keras untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi hasil karya rekan-rekan. Minta Contoh PKM dari Senior yg Lolos Mintalah contoh PKM yang lolos dana hibah dikti, misal meminta ke kenalan contoh PKM nya dan pelajari lebih dalam poin-poin yang dipaparkan dalam proposal PKM tersebut. Karena itu dapat dijadikan referensi untuk rekan-rekan yang akan membuat proposal PKM. Cari Tahu Pengalaman tentang PIMNAS Carilah cerita-cerita mahasiswa yang sudah pernah lolos PKM dana hibah dikti maupun lolos pimnas, cari tahu apa yang mereka dapatkan ketika mereka lolos PKM dan jadikan itu sebuah motivasi bagi rekan-rekan untuk lolos juga dalam dana hibah dikti dan pimnas. Tim Yang Solid Keberhasilan suatu PKM tergantung pada solidnya suatu tim, kriteria tim yang akan lolos biasanya tim yang bekerja keras dan solid. Teamworks adalah kunci utama keberhasilan kegiatan PKM 9.
Kerja Keras dan Jangan Mudah Menyerah Proses kegiatan PKM dari usulan sampai pada pelaksanaan kegiatan PIMNAS hampir satu tahun, tidak mudah untuk menjaga kekompakkan tim, maka di dalam tim masing-masing anggota harus memiliki daya juang dengan berkerja keras dan tidak mudah menyerah 10. Tim Campuran Senior dan Junior Pemilihan atau pembentukan tim PKM harus memiliki strategi, idealnya didalam tim harus camapuran antara kakak kelas dan adik kelas, memnghindari kegiatan perkuliahan yang sama dan jadwal smester yang sama. Jadwal dan Tahapan PKM 5 Bidang Isu Terkini; 1.Energi Terbarukan Kincir Angin Solar Cell/Energi Matahari 2. Sistem Informasi/IT 3. Teknologi Tepat Guna 4. Teknologi Material 5.
Problem Sosial 6. Kearifan Lokal/Potensi Daerah Terima Kasih P K M Bukan Sekedar Kompetisi Tapi Berkontribusi Membangun Negeri!
Pada tulisan kali ini saya coba mau berbagi tentang yang namanya PKM. PKM atau singkatan dari Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa ini diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Tinggi atau Dikti. Saya awalnya pun merasa asing ketika masih menjadi mahasiswa baru di Universitas Indonesia. Namun lama kelamaan akhirnya saya mengerti apa maksud dan tujuan dari kegiatan ini. Buat teman-teman yang membutuhkan contoh-contoh proposal PKM, silahkan diunduh:. Semoga bermanfaat.
Bila teman-teman ingin sharing bagi yang lolos tahap pendaaan program atau bahkan tembus ke PIMNAS’? Saya tunggu yaa komentar dan pengalamannya.
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